Thanks to Clea and Joanna aka The Home Edit Team, I have stopped buying clothes or makeup and now spend all my money on trays and boxes to organise every orifice of my house. Makeup, clothes, books... you name it, I've reorganised it! I shamelessly confess, it is a full on obsession. With so many great products available on Amazon (my husband refers to the Amazon delivery man as my 'mate' as he comes so often!), I have been able to transform and declutter, and most surprisingly, feel mentally free! This is the reason why I've parked the normal skincare & makeup topic for my blog. It honestly gives me so much joy when I open a drawer or look at my dressing table and everything is in its place and looks pretty. Even my daughters are in on the act! With that said, here are some of the products we've used to Home Edit our house.

Take some time out to throw away anything that has expired and reorganise your drawers in order of items you use the most often.

Another hard task because who ever really wants to throw clothes away? However, think Marie Kondo and only try and keep clothes that genuinely give you joy!

I mean, who wouldn't want a pantry that looks like this?
Acrylic Lazy Susan Condiment Holder

Help the younger members of the house to get into the organising spirit. By providing designated containers for each craft item, kids are more likely to tidy after themselves.
Finally, no Home Edit would be complete without the original expert guide to organising!

Monica is a Professional Hair and Makeup Artist based in Leicester, East Midlands. She is a mother to daughters & loves all things skin and makeup related! Whilst she helps everyone feel their best, she especially enjoys working with clients over the age of 40, suffering with skin issues such as Psoriasis or thinning hair as she suffers with all of these herself! Her goal is to create looks that show her client's natural beauty and not mask them. Services range from bridal makeup to event makeup and occasion hair styling. For more details, please contact her via the contact form by clicking on